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Knowledge Is Power - Celebrating 10 Years of Sysmex Academy and More


Medical diagnostics company Sysmex Europe GmbH celebrates the 10th anniversary of the Sysmex Academy in October. Sysmex is the only company to have such a longstanding education system in place for both employees, distributors, and later on, end-customers.

Medical diagnostics company Sysmex Europe GmbH celebrates the 10th anniversary of the Sysmex Academy in October. Sysmex is the only company to have such a longstanding education system in place for both employees, distributors, and later on, end-customers.

Every company wants to provide the best products and services possible to their customers. Sysmex has been a solution provider for over 50 years and along the way, the potential to further add value for both employees and customers was pursued, starting with the Academy. The Sysmex Academy was founded in 2009 to optimise and standardise training for all employees in the EMEA region. This was later adapted to focus on end-customers so that they get training beyond just product knowledge, allowing Sysmex to be an expertise partner from beginning to end.

The world may be becoming a smaller and better-connected place thanks to improved internet access and other technological advances, but Sysmex still sees the benefit in keeping things 'local' by adapting educational tools to local languages - 14 so far. Sabine Lindner, Director and Head of the Sysmex Academy, states "As the headquarters for the EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) region, we find it extremely important to make knowledge easily accessible. We are confident that we offer exceptional trainings, therefore we put an emphasis on digital trainings and webinars so that they are available for anyone interested. This is why we have established an online portal, which aims to align with future needs of local trainings that are convenient for everyone."

Product quality has always been at the centre of Sysmex' goal of lighting the way with diagnostics, but training and additional knowledge to go alongside those products are what can really seal the deal for both employees and customers. The future of knowledge sharing for the Sysmex Academy is simple: continue to improve classroom trainings and increase the portfolio of digital trainings to keep a high standard of efficiency.

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