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Sysmex Europe wins awards in the programme ‘Excellence in learning 2021’ by Brandon Hall Group

2021/10/15 – Norderstedt, Germany

Following the success in 2019, Sysmex Europe receives two bronze awards for ‘Best customer training program’ and ‘Best advance in creating a learning strategy’ by the Brandon Hall Group this year.

Following the success in 2019, Sysmex Europe receives two bronze awards for ‘Best customer training program’ and ‘Best advance in creating a learning strategy’ by the Brandon Hall Group this year.

The two awards recognise the efforts invested by Sysmex Europe in continuously optimising learning experiences and expanding the offer of available customer training globally. These were highlighted in two case studies:

  • Bringing training innovation to a global standard: A glance at Sysmex's new digital training strategy (‘Best advance in creating a learning strategy’)
  • Sysmex Goes Global: Boosts customer engagement and loyalty with the global rollout of a best-in-class learning experience platform (‘Best customer training program’)

These two categories award organisations that have successfully developed and deployed educational programs, strategies, systems and tools to support corporate objectives. Award entries were evaluated by a panel of veteran, independent senior industry experts, as well as Brandon Hall Group analysts and executives based on the following criteria: fulfilling the need, design of the programme, functionality, innovation and overall measurable benefits.

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