Retour sommaire Retour AFC 2022 « Performance analysis of new 10-color cytometer : XF-1600® Sysmex » Le congrès de l’AFC (Association Française de Cytométrie) s’est tenu à Nice en novembre dernier. Lors de ce congrès, nous avons exposé notre solution de Cytométrie en Flux clinique : XF-1600, notre cytomètre et PS-10, notre préparateur ; tous deux certifiés CE-IVD. À l’occasion de ce congrès, le Dr Nicolas VOIRIN-MATHIEU, assistant au CH de Brive la Gaillarde, a présenté ses travaux de comparaison de résultats de panels définis entre la solution Navios de chez Beckman Coulter et notre XF-1600, montrant une excellente comparabilité entre ces 2 systèmes. Vous pouvez retrouver les résultats de ces travaux sur le poster présenté ci-dessous : Performance analysis of new 10-color cytometer: XF-1600® Sysmex Nicolas VOIRIN-MATHIEU, Stéphane DESVILLES, Jean FEUILLARD, Estelle GUERIN INTRODUCTION MATERIALS AND METHODS Sysmex XF-1600 is the first cytometer marketed by Sysmex Corporation, Japan (SCJ). To assess its performance, a comparison with the NAVIOS (Beckman-Coulter) present at the University Hospital of Limoges was carried out. Lymphoid orientation, complement panel B, T cells, plasma cells, acute leukemia orientation and CMML panels were assess in duplicate on the two analysers, scanning all the B cells, T cells, monocytes, granular and hematopoietic stem cell markers with 10 color panel except for the CMML a 7 colors panel. Cytometry files were reprocessed with Kaluza® software. The positivity thresholds were defined with control populations in the same sample. The percentages of positivity of the interested cells according to the panels were noted and the correlations were carried out. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION XF-1600 Sysmex® cytometer Analysed sample sorted by panels and matrices 129 blood samples, 66 bone marrow, 3 cerebrosplinal fluids, 2 lymph node ponctions, divided into 75 control samples and 125 pathological were analyzed. 9 cases of CD5+ lambda, 12 cases of CD5+ kappa, 7 cases of CD5- lambda and 11 cases CD5- kappa B lymphomas were diagnosed with the orientation tube. For the T panel, a T-PLL and an expansion of TCRγδ lymphocytes were diagnosed, for the plasma cell panel, 11 cases with lambda monotypy and 10 with kappa monotypy, for the CMML panel, 25 COVID, 4 inflammatory CMML and 4 non-inflammatory CMLL inflammatory. 5 AML, 2 T-ALL and 4 B-ALL were also phenotyped with the leukemia orientation panel. For example, the correlation coefficients for the main parameters are : for lymphoid panel 0.93 for total lymphocyte population, 0.93 for CD3+ T lymphocytes, 0.84 for CD19+ B cells, 0.96 for CD4+ T cells, 0.94 for CD8+ T, 0.97 for CD2, 0.98 for 19+ kappa, 0.98 for 19+ lambda, 0.94 for CD20, for CMML panel 0.94 for MO1 monocytes excluding inflammatory profiles, for leukemia orientation panel 0.98 for blast population, 0.97 for CD7+56, 0.95 for CD13, 0.95 for HLA-DR, 0.98 for CD33, 0.74 for CD38, 0.93 for CD34 , 0.97 for CD19 and 0.94 for CD117. Biological interpretations and diagnosis made were identical for all the samples. Example of CD5- lambda B cell population after analysis on XF-1600 Sysmex (above) and Navios Beckman-Coulter (down) CONCLUSION Evaluated by a large variety of panels, matrices and pathologies, XF-1600 offers performances at least equivalent to those of the Navios. With an XN-like interface of the automaton, the acquisition software is very intuitive, which makes it perfectly suitable for its implementation in a laboratory. Télécharger le pdf complet « Evaluated by a large variety of panels, matrices and pathologies, XF-1600 offers performances at least equivalent to those of the Navios. With an XN-like interface of the automaton, the acquisition software is very intuitive, which makes it perfectly suitable for its implementation in a laboratory. » Janvier 2023 - Sysmex Mag #8 9